
Winner are Grinners

Filed under: General — Slick X @ 9:47 am

Our Counter Strike 3 on 3 tourny winners (Percy’s Team of Death)
Thanks ATI for the T-Shirts and Valve for the posters
ATI CS Comp Winners
And just to prove that members of the opposite sex can kick ass as Counter Strike
Volunteer Expo

Short Vid of Expo Skillz

Next Lan is on the 2nd of April
See you there 🙂

PS: Next LAN we will have a copy of Star Wars Jedi Knight 2
to give away thanks to Gamehead

3 Responses to “Winner are Grinners”

  1. Lionfire Says:

    Argh! A girl! 🙂

    Congratulations to the winners.

  2. Slick X Says:

    Worst of all they are better than me 🙁

  3. Reaper X Says:

    Thats very sad slick cause they wernt better then me… U needa start practising i think…:D