
Next LAN

Filed under: General — Slick X @ 11:16 am

Next LAN is on this weekend
20th August 2005
9am – 4pm

If you wish to attend please let us know ASAP by leaving your comments below

$5 per hour games include CSSource, CS1.5, Diablo2, Battlefield1942 and soldat

Want a cheap copy of HL2?

Go Here

Although dont expect it to update very easily 148 posts about problems updating in Australia


5 Responses to “Next LAN”

  1. Lionfire Says:

    Strangely enough, the problem is actually Internode/Telstra’s fault. Any ISP that uses Telstra as a peer is affected.

    Internode are working on it, but basically it comes down to Telstra not playing nicely.

    Yes, Steam should handle things like this better, but broken networking will always break things.

  2. Slick X Says:

    Valve + Steam = Sux
    Telstra + Internet = Ass

    Sux + Ass = Sux Ass

    on ya internode

  3. .:Re@per:. Says:

    I’d Love to come!! lol meh… use have got 2 lappy’s grahames comp ur comp the bullet and margies comp and grahames saying use dont have enuff computers to invite me? meh…

  4. Slick X Says:

    I dont have a problem with you coming but i know Grahame has invited some ther people.
    so you may not have a spot

  5. Grahame Gould Says:

    Aaron, we can get 20 people to the Telecentre. I can fit (as you’ve calculated) about 6 people in my place (and even that’s a bit too crowded for me to want to do too often).

    You’ve been to my place dozens of times and there are ppl from the LAN who’ve never come.

    I don’t mind you coming if you don’t mind me kicking you out when I feel like it. If you do come, every other user present will have a higher priority than you.