

Filed under: Events — Slick X @ 9:49 am

Next LAN Dates are as follows:

4th December 2004 at Telecentre 8.30am (Saturday)
18th December 2004 at Telecentre 8.30am (Saturday)
8th January 2005 at Telecentre 8.30am (Saturday)
22nd January 2005 at Telecentre 8.30am (Saturday)

hope to see everyone there. 🙂

6 Responses to “KIA LAN Dates”

  1. Wolverine Says:

    It’s hard to believe how sad you are. I expect it from me, but my standard for others is far higher.

  2. Slick X Says:

    What the hell are you talking about

  3. Lionfire Says:

    I think he might be referring to the fact that December 6th is a Monday 🙂

  4. Slick X Says:

    Good pick up

  5. Grahame Gould Says:

    As I said, I’m sad. This comment isn’t on the right post! (Yes, it’s taken me this long to get back to it.) But I don’t see how I can take the blame for that, actually, as this post wasn’t even on the site when I posted my comment, which comment was directed at being so sad as to point out that you were the first to post by saying you weren’t pointing it out!
    See! I’m sad too.

  6. Dark presence,Menace X, Reaper X Says:

    What the hell are use talking about??
    Wolverine being sad?
    I dont quite follow, what use are talkin bout!
    Btw Raven wants to buy a copy of DOW ASAP.

    P.S: when the next lan, cause at one part of website it says this saturday and next is say’s saturday after.. cmon guys get it right… 😛