

Filed under: General — Slick X @ 8:42 pm

Thanks to all who helped out on Sunday (MurphDogg, BaaBaa, Menace).
We had a very successful LAN once again (we may have to ask for more computers).

Our CS Server (on loan from SWEK) handled 15 crazed players without exserting more effort than a small fart. Some of the highlights were, Menace X learning how to shoot through boxes, the Scouts and Knives level (where the Terrorists got a absolute bashing). Italy becoming one of the bloodiest maps ever (dont go up the stairs) and a very confusing Dust2 map.

SOF2 also went down a treat and i am sure that it will be played continually at future events.

Hopefully no-one got their fill of gaming goodness on Sunday because KIA is running its next event this Saturday (4th December 2004) starting at 8.30am.

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