
CS Comp

Filed under: General — Slick X @ 3:58 pm

Tomorrows LAN will be the first 3 on 3 CS comp held for KIA.
Our last comp was way back in October last year with Aaron Latham (Reaper X)
taking out the individual CS crown.

1st Prize will be a Ati t-shirt for each player and CounterStrike Source Poster
2nd Prize will be a CounterStrike poster

The winners of the 3 on 3 comp will have the privelage of facing 3 of our resident l33t gamers
Slick X
Reaper X
and Blood Cobra

Register your team when you arrive 🙂

One Response to “CS Comp”

  1. ryan Says:

    this is a champ website were didya get that com its mad