
New Laptop

Filed under: General — Slick X @ 12:19 pm

Graz and Myself are getting new Laptops (i will be getting rid of my computer)
Specs as follows:

AMD64 3400+
512MB DDR Ram
9700 Radeon Videocard
15.4 LCD Screen
DVD Burner

I guess i wont have to bring my computer to LAN anymore (and it will take me 5 minutes to pack up 🙂 )

If you are interested in my current computer the spec are:
Celeron 2.5Ghz
1GB Ram
GEforce 6600GT
80Gb HDD
17inch Monitor
CD Burner

new laptops

6 Responses to “New Laptop”

  1. Lionfire Says:

    Yes, please — I wouldn’t mind another computer 🙂

  2. Spartan Says:

    i’ll have it

  3. Slick X Says:

    Do i hear an opening bid (cause i aint giving it away)

  4. Spartan Says:

    damn…well u cant blame a guy for tryin

  5. Reaper X Says:

    Albert wants it.. wat u selling it for???

  6. Slick X Says:
