
Sorry to go

Filed under: General — Slick X @ 4:29 pm

The KIA LAN will be closed over the next few months (proably until the wet)
A LAN will still be held by invite only
If you are interested please contact Grahame or John or post as a comment below.

I would like to thank our sponsors for their contribution to Lanning in Kununurra and wish you all the best.

Slick X

3 Responses to “Sorry to go”

  1. CJ (Yanti) Says:

    Hey slick, i have been trying to contact grahame via email but he hasnt been replying so can you confirm that its all good that i tag along on saturday?



  2. .:Re@per:. Says:

    Yo i wld like to come to the private LAN… is it on tonight? $15 right??

  3. Spartan Says:

    im interested…