

Filed under: General — Slick X @ 11:03 am

Just letting people know that the Bullet is still for sale ($1500 if i know ya)
and now that i have my laptop i am selling my computer ($1500 too)

Bullet: 2.4Ghz p4, 512mb ram, radeon 9250 80GB HDD 17inch monitor
Mine: Celeron 2.5Ghz, 1GB Ram, Geforce 6600gt, 80GBHdd and 17inch Monitor

If you are interested let me know (come on Aaron)

One Response to “SALE”

  1. .:Re@per:. Says:

    mum gets her tax done this satrday like most of use i think ^o) soo when she gets her tax check back its mine!! 😀 Bout friggin time i think… u dont know how much i want the computer!!!