KIA Server
KIA DEDICATED SERVER – then click search
KIA CS Source is now dedicated and you can join anytime you want from anywhere
(i am not promising lag free gaming though)
but we do have a chunky server and a relativly fast connection so jump on board or add it to your favs
(Note: Server may be slightly unstable so may go down once in a while)
September 13th, 2005 at 1:53 pm
Does anybody ever join… i think i can remember Wolvo telling me someone joined, cant remember!
So we can join wherever we are whenever we want.. thats wicked, are use ever on?
I so need to play source i miss it haha i cant wait till i get the bullet then i can play wenever i want!!
September 13th, 2005 at 3:08 pm
We have had a couple of ppl join while i have been on
the idea is tha a couple of ppl jump on and then you tell your mate you are on then they join