
NEW Computer

Filed under: General — Slick X @ 4:36 pm

There is something very satisfying about putting together your own computer.

3 hours from start to finish and now i have the most kick ass computer ever

7746 on 3dmark without overclocking

If you are interested in building your own computer and dont really know where to start please drop me and email or comment

4 Responses to “NEW Computer”

  1. .:Re@per:. Says:

    i take it by that u have finished ur computer… mmm the pretty saprano case mmmmmmmm LAN dis weekend… YAY what we gonna be donig there?

  2. Slick X Says:

    I dont know if there is gonna be a LAN this weekend
    But my comp runs CSSource at 100fps constantly

  3. .:Re@per:. Says:

    Grahame sed there lan dis weekend… why wudnt there be?

  4. Slick X Says:

    Grahame hasnt said anything to me about a LAN