
Black Storm

Filed under: General — Slick X @ 7:29 am

Got the BlackStorm Emu running last night
Version 1.8
so for your W0W addiction i will be leaving my computer at Graz to run as a server when you want to play 🙂

6 Responses to “Black Storm”

  1. .:Re@peR:. Says:

    Yay, sept one small problem, Grahame Barely ever lets people come around… sooooo, and he never answers people on msn, or anything
    So yeh, whats the point?

  2. Slick X Says:

    maybe i should leave me computer at your house then???
    LOL it would be working when i got back though

  3. .:Re@peR:. Says:

    haha funny! (>.

  4. .:Re@peR:. Says:

    Check out this game, a mate showed me it, Told me to stuff WoW and play this game… so i had alook and looki at it, its WICKED!

  5. Slick X Says:

    yeah i had heard of it but i am yet to try
    How is my computer going?

  6. Slick X Says:

    COmputer be going awsome man. IM IN LOVE WITH IT BAHAHAHAHA
    The bullet not doing to well tho lol. needs reformat i think :S
    meh been playing source and WoW just a tiny bit to much i think i need to get a life 🙂 meh THANKS JOHN! lol got me into all these games. back in the day u where the one who started this. now i cant get enough gaming lol becoming nocturnal bahaha. THANKS! its all your fault!