
Last Chaos

Filed under: General — Slick X @ 8:11 am

I know i know what a crap name right!

the game is actually quite good and best of all it is totally free

go try it out…..http://lastchaos.aeriagames.com/front_page

2 Responses to “Last Chaos”

  1. Lil Murph / Declan Murphy Says:

    Umm sorry to bother you Slick ……. but does this game need any specific programs ……. and one other thing ……… IS THERE GONNA BE ANYMORE LANS NOW THAT REAPERS MOVED TO DARWIN AND PEOPLE ARENT THAT INTERESTED? i could get some of my friends to come but that would just suck hard…. well thanks for the let know and information on that game it looks pretty good!!!

    Lil Murph / Declan Murphy

  2. Slick X Says:

    just need to dload the client file (i used bittorrent)
    then install, run (let it update) and play away